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Awesome Times
A look at life and ministry.
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Awesome Times

  05/26/11 15:01, by , Categories: Family, Church Life, Living Life, Personal Reflections, My Life, Dads & Families

Ok, so this week turned out to be much busier than advertised.   Not a bad week, just much busier.  Next week is starting to look rather crazy as well.  I'm not complaining.  Life is exciting and filled with many wonderful advertures and opportunities.  There is so much ministry taking place around me that I don't quite know what to do.  I love to keep up with the blog but when things get busy, it tends to get knocked down the list a little.  Here's a bit of recap on some great things this week.

Monday featured a wonderful time with my children.  We started by talking about the devastation in Joplin, MO and from there spent the afternoon having a science class on cloud formation, rain, thunder storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.  We spent probably two hours learning about these things and the kids were captivated, especially the older two.  The youngest is still a little young for it but some stuff stuck for him too.  For me, it was a great time of just being a dad and treasuring time with the kids.

Monday night featured a counseling session that was intense, but that reminded me of why I am here and how much I treasure my wife.

Tuesday saw me get some great progress on the next message, plus some important phone calls done, errands run, and a short but intense bit of exercize.  Sarah and I spent the evening have Nate and Charlene over and had such a wonderful time with them.  We are so blessed to have them as friends that really are family to us.  It was a good night and again reminded me how thankful I am for my family.

Wednesday I spoke at Greater Portland Christian School and took Mac with me.  We had a great time of talking, sharing, and encouraging one another on the trip and I had a great time with the students.  They showed that they were learning from the series that I brought.  Came home and had a great rest of the day as our family joined the Daltons and the Kobans, first at Scott & Aimee's for supper and then at Zach's t-ball game.  We are so thankful for Scott and Aimee and Nic and Lori for their friendship.  They too are more like family to us and we are so blessed.  We got home early enough that Sarah and I got some time to relax and sit on the couch together for some just plain us time.

Now today has been more phone calls than I planned and therefore less radio show recording than I planned, but I've got some done and am off to the station before I go pick up Gavin for the afternoon.  Had a great time with Nate this morning as he is learning how do take care of some of the web stuff so that he knows how to do everything I do.  The job of a leader is to work himself out of a job.  I like doing that.

Now if I just had someone like Nate at Berea.  I'm taking applications.  Just let me know.  :)

Well, gotta run, but didn't want to ignore the blog one more day.

Oh, by the way, if time allows, I'm going to talk a bit more about the Rapture stuff from this past week tomorrow.

This entry was posted by and is filed under Family, Church Life, Living Life, Personal Reflections, My Life, Dads & Families.

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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