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Pastor's Window
A look at life and ministry.

Discipline & Responsibility

  03/03/11 14:44, by , Categories: Family, Dads & Families

I want to share a learning experience from our household that took place the other day.  My daugher (now 7.5) was having a difficult day.  Nothing was right, she didn't want to do what she was told, she argued at every turn.  Since we don't allow that kind of behavior, there were consequences.  First she had to deal with me (mom was out for most of the day).  When she continued to argue, I sent her to her room until she could stop arguing.  When she argued about that (as she was going) she got a pat on the backside.  (just 1, really light).  When her mom got home later, a similar incident ensued with a similar outcome.  Now, after each incident, either I or my wife sat down with her in a nondiscipline conversation and talked about what happened.  I was the first one and we talked about why I had had to take the steps that I took.  We laughed that my spank wasn't really anything impressive, and we talked about what needed to be done better.  We had a good talk and I didn't have any further issues with her.   When my wife had a similar talk later after my daughter had struggled again with her, my daughter expressed, "I have just had a rough day with arguing!"  She took responsibility for her own actions and recognized her own struggle.  She and her mom had a really great talk about it and the rest of the day was really good.

Discipline is not simply to correct one behavior, it is to mold and change behavior.  While our parental discipline may utilize punishment, punishment is not the goal. We don't have to turn everything into a confrontation between us.  It is more about helping the kids learn to control themselves and make wise decisions.  As they get older, they will have more and more responsibility and will need to be used to making good decisions on their own.  That is why we sit down and discuss with them and help them troubleshoot for themselves.  When they can see what they need to change, they don't need us so much to tell them what to do.

That's exciting.  It is great to see them slowly growing more aware and making good decisions ahead of our instruction.  I will be able to trust their judgement because I was active in helping shape their judgement, not just doing it for them.

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Shooting Blanks

  03/02/11 17:09, by , Categories: Living Life, Dads & Families, Theology Lived

On October 12, 1984, during a delay in filming, actor Jon Erik Hexum put a prop revolver to his right temple and pulled the trigger as a joke.   Hexum was apparently unaware that blanks use paper or plastic wadding to seal gun powder into the shell, and that this wadding is propelled from the barrel of the gun with enough force to cause severe injury or death if the weapon is fired within a few inches of the body, especially if pointed at a particularly vulnerable spot, such as the temple or the eye. Although the paper wadding in the blank that Hexum discharged did not penetrate his skull, the wad struck him in the temple with enough blunt force trauma to shatter a quarter-sized piece of his skull and propel the pieces into his brain, causing massive hemorrhaging. Hexum was rushed to Beverly Hills Medical Center, where he underwent five hours of surgery to repair his wounds.  On October 18, six days after the accident, Hexum was declared brain dead.

It is sad and unexpected that a gun firing blanks could cause a young man to lose his life.  Last night Sarah and I were reading the book we are doing for our joint devotions and it talked about the power of words.  Many times we "fire" off hurtful words in teasing or fun and don't think about it.  After all, we don't really mean it.  Maybe it was just a moment of anger instead of fun, but still, we really didn't mean it the way we said it.  A lot of families and people engage in "playful" sarcasm and busting that is seen as harmless.  After all, we are just shooting blanks.  We must remember that like guns, all words have power and should never be used carelessly.  The Bible reminds us to let our yes be yes and our no be no.  Anything else, it says, is sinful.  When we use words but don't want to use their meanings, we are in dangerous territory.  Sometimes even a blank can hit a sensitive area and cause massive damage.  Maybe it was just a joke but why take those kinds of risk.    Let's watch our words, especially in close quarters like our close relationships of spouse, family, friends.  Let's put away the culture or negative jesting and busting.  Someone could get hurt.

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Sheen & Snow Day

  02/28/11 23:40, by , Categories: Family, Stray Thoughts, Personal Reflections, My Life

Thankful for the snow day today.  My youngest was running a fever this morning and far from his normal energetic self, fell asleep on the couch around lunch time.  It was good that what was going to be a very busy day turned into a very quiet day.  The kids did go out and play in the snow this afternoon which was good.  It was good for Sarah and I too.  We had time to just talk and spend time together today as well and enjoy time with the kids.  Tonight we had a family movie night and still got the kids to bed on time.  Hopefully this quiet and family day today will help everyone be ready for a regular rest of the week.  I know that I am feeling good and relaxed after one of the better days off I have had in a while.  Going to clean up the kitchen a little and ride the bike and call it a night.

I contrast our life today with the very sad life I see unfolding for Charlie Sheen.  Sarah and I caught a few minutes of his interview on NBC this morning while we were watching the cancellations.  The man seems rather unhinged.  I saw an article today where some mental health professionals wondered about possible manic behavior.  I don't know whether his behavior is the result of his lifestyle, ego, or an illness, but I do know that I would rather have the quiet and family day I had today then the life he lives of hedonistic excess.  I pity the man especially because of the emptiness of his life now and the unfortunate implications of his current state on his future state.  He is the very picture of lost.  Very sad.

On a final note, I was saddened to see today that a girl that I had in my youth group down at Turner Village years ago was killed in a car accident in Auburn.  She was a very sweet girl in youth group and I was sorry to hear of her passing.  Prayers for her friends and family.

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Awesome Sunday

  02/27/11 22:36, by , Categories: Church Life, Personal Reflections

Today was a great day. I really enjoyed our study in Jeremiah this morning and other people seemed to as well. It is so amazing to see both the heart of God and the heart of Jeremiah so clearly revealed. It is also very convicting to see the heart of the people exposed.

Nate did an awesome job this morning with 1 Peter 4!   It was a pretty convicting message.  I am so thankful for his excellent work in studying the Scriptures and then delivering the Word to us in practical and real ways.  His own candor and openess is wonderful as well.  It was just a powerful sermon this morning and well timed.  I look forward to following up this week with preparations for the next chapter.  He has given me a great place to go from.

Night church was fun as well although I fear I put too much content in this one.  :(  There is so much and I get excited that I can include too much at times.  I keep working on doing better to dole it out in manageable pieces.  Both morning and evening will be available on the website in the next day or so.  A lot will depend on whether the snow cancels our day tomorrow or not.

I know I am just being tired and lazy, but I wouldn't mind if everything got cancelled tomorrow.  We have homeschool coop and then swimming lessons and I would love to just be able to stay home and rest.  Well...we will have to see what the day brings forth.

Just thought I would record my musings on the day.  Off to get some late supper and then do some time on the bike.  Trying to regain my girlish figure!  :)  Praise God for a great day and such a wonderful group of people at church.  God has really blessed us.

Oh, that reminds me.  It was great to meet two new families that were visiting us today.  Don't know whether God will call them to join our family or not, but it was a pleasure to worship with them today and to get to know them just a little.  We'll see what God does there.

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Happy Blog Birthday

  02/25/11 19:01, by , Categories: Announcements, Fun, Personal Reflections
Happy Blog Birthday

This month "Pastor's Window" turns 3!  I started the blog back in February 2008.  It has been a lot of fun so far and I hope it is serving its purpose.

You can go here for my first entries.

You can go here to see reasons why I do the blog.

Overall I am really happy with the fact that I have been able to keep at this and these days I am posting more on average than I did in the past.  I hope those of you who read this get as much out of the activity as I do.  By the way, a big thank you to those of you who have followed the blog and give me feedback.  I appreciate the interaction.

Guess I'll keep doing it.  :)

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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