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Love Connection
A look at life and ministry.
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Love Connection

  12/02/10 16:09, by , Categories: Family, Dads & Families

Today has been an office day so far.  The big task today? Recording radio shows for the next month.   It has proved to be a very busy week so far, but a good one.  I have spent a lot of time talking to people and praying for people.  This is not the point of my post, just warming up.  :)

My daughter dropped by the office today just to catch a quick hug and an "I love you."  I LOVE That!!  :)  That got me thinking about the last few days.  Even though it has been busy, I have been working hard to make sure that I make time with my family.  Sarah and I captured two whole nights to ourselves which was great.  The other morning, I got up extra early to allow my overtired wife to sleep in and as I sat at breakfast with the kids, we ended up having a great time reading the story of Nehemiah straight out of my daughter's Bible.  They were really interested and kept asking me to read more.  Then we discussed what they had heard and what they thought about it.  A great start to the day.  Then last night, Sarah was again still not feeling well and tried to rest up before a joint counseling session we had last night with someone.  I fixed the kids supper and we sat and had great discussion about their day and life.  Then, before bed, we did our normal family devotions but then, because we were ahead of schedule, we were able to read some more Nehemiah which they were all excited about.  It gave us more great discussion and a great prayer time together at bed.  I love hearing their observations and thoughts on these things.

I share all that to give a picture of how much fun we are having together and the important bonding times.  I doubt that the youngest will remember our reading or discussion.  It is not very likely that my five-year-old son will remember what we read or discussed the last two days.  BUT...if Sarah and I keep this up, they will remember the time, the attention, the love, the connection that we share as we do these things together.  Children bask in love, attention, praise, and above all, TIME.  I continue to believe that my first job in being a pastor is to shepherd the flock that lives in my house.  If I cannot lead them, I have no business leading anyone else.

So dads, I know you're busy.  I'm wicked busy.  But no job, hobby, duty is higher than your wife and your children.  They need our presence, attention, and time as an act of our love.

This entry was posted by and is filed under Family, Dads & Families.


Comment from: Eileen [Visitor]
About your daughter dropping by for a quick hug and " I love you". I thought today's blog could have been about how God loves it when we do that to him. I consistently enjoy your posts and your good example. Thank you, Ira, for being the encouragement you are. Love, Eileen
12/03/10 @ 06:38
Comment from: Sherrie [Visitor]  
Yes, this is a good testimony of how a Pastor ought to be as it says in I Timothy. I agree that family is his top priority. It does not well for your children and wife if they feel valued less than your "job" or ministry because they are not receiving your time. They may end up resenting and turning away from what you are trying to teach. We just left a church because the Pastor's family is in ruin with talk of divorce and he does not see it as a necessity to step away and take more time to work on it. His older children, grown and married, show little evidence of loving and walking with the Lord. Both the family and the church have suffered for it and Christ is not glorified. Your "picture" of your bonding time and family devotional time is an inspiration and a good example of how we can promote Christ's love in our homes. As our children experience our love they will be better able to comprehend God's love for them. When we have a close bond with our children they will also be more apt to appreciate and trust in the faith that we have in God and value what we value and want to seek out that faith for themselves.
12/04/10 @ 10:30
Comment from: marjie [Visitor]  
Ira, I really enjoy reading your posts. I don't think I can really express how much you help me, even though it is long distance. Everything rings true. I appreciate you all the more. Hugs to Sarah and the kids. Hope to see you soon, if we don't, "Have a Blessed, Merry Christmas!" (And I KNOW you will!)
12/06/10 @ 07:20

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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