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Diet & Exercise
A look at life and ministry.
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Diet & Exercise

  04/23/11 12:47, by , Categories: Personal Reflections, My Life, Theology Lived

This is hardly breaking news, but yet I have learned anew the importance of diet and exercise.  I have also discovered that the exercise part is not as hard as I thought.  Growing up as an asthmatic before the days of inhalers and controller meds, the philosphy was, 'don't do anything that will cause an attack.'  For me that meant anything physically strenuous.  As a result, I was not a particularly fit kid (although far from overweight.  I graduated highschool 5'9" 115lbs.).  While working at camp each summer gave me some exercise and helped keep my weight down, I still would not say that I was particularly fit, just not totally out of shape.   As the years have gone by, that shape has changed into more of an egg or oval shape.  My eating habits had never been particularly healthy and as I got older, ceased to be a camp counselor, and did more pastor work, my activity level decreased and my weight increased.  All through this, I never thought I could ever really be in "shape"; it was just too much work and who has the time?

Since my return from the DR this January, that all changed.  It began with encouragement from Nate who explained that he just took a few minutes each night to do some simple exercises.  Doing these has really helped him fight off the weight creep that comes with his age.  "OK," I thought, "I could do that.  It sounds simple enough."  So almost every night I do some simple and quick exercises and try to get on my stationary bike several times a week.  It hasn't been hard as long as I do just a little each day.  I have also worked to reduce how much I eat and eat more of good things when I do.  Between these two aspects, I am finally moving in the right direction and even though I don't have the energy I had at 22, I am probably in the best shape of my life.

It occured to me that there was a spiritual lesson here.  Too many Christians are good at getting fed.  They may read the Bible for themselves, they go to church and learn.  But how much do they exercise their faith?  Witnessing, practicing spiritual disciplines.  The simple, no frills, rule of weight loss and fitness is, burn the same or more calories than you consume.  So, how are you burning the spiritual calories you consume?  Are you spiritually overweight, taking in more than you are putting out?  Are you eating a lot of feel good, prepackaged spiritual junk food or are you eating healthy with indepth Bible study and prayer?

It isn't as hard as you think.  Just resolve to do a little each day.  Push yourself to make small changes and seek ways to live out your faith each day.  Pretty soon you will be in good shape!

This entry was posted by and is filed under Personal Reflections, My Life, Theology Lived.

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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