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Categories: "Church Life" - Pastor's Window
A look at life and ministry.

Categories: "Church Life"

Endurance (Perils of Shepherds)

  01/16/14 16:23, by , Categories: Church Life, My Life, Theology Lived, Pastors
Today's blog post is a series of quotes from David Hansen's book "The Art of Pastoring".  It is what God keeps teaching me and what I struggle with.  The title of this section in the book is "Endurance." "The fact that we are called by God to love a… more »
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Comment from: Chris Beaudoin [Visitor]
Chris Beaudoin
This is good stuff Ira, and ever so true. I think it's a natural consequence to working with people that you will hit this stuff head on - every time, and it is TOUGH to do. I know that when we work with people it is messy , but ever so worth it. But man, you're right.... really hard to do.
01/16/14 @ 16:52

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Reflection at the Turn of the Year

  12/31/13 14:56, by , Categories: Living Life, Personal Reflections, Theology Lived, Pastors
This fall and early winter has proved to be far different than what I would have predicted.  Over the last few months I have watched the roaring lion of Satan launching various attacks and bringing great pressure to bear in the life of various parts of… more »
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Comment from: [Member]
You said it very well. OK it could have been much better; however, I agree with you fully. I enjoy reading your various writings. You manage to reflect a politically neutral viewpoint which is very cowardly but refreshing. :O (I don't know if this will translate in a smiley emoticon or not but that's what I intended to be.)
12/31/13 @ 15:16

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Secret to Gratitude

  11/30/13 16:48, by , Categories: Family, Church Life, Living Life, Dads & Families, Theology Lived
As we say goodbye to Thanksgiving, I wanted to reflect on something that Sarah and I have discovered that has greatly improved the gratitude in our house.  It is the discovery of a link between taking responsibility and being grateful.  This may seem ve… more »
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  11/08/13 16:29, by , Categories: Living Life, My Life, Theology Lived, Pastors
It has been a bit of a rough week for me.   I have struggled with some of the strongest discouragement and the heaviest heart I have had in a very long time (years).  Throughout this week, God has ministered to me.  On Wednesday I met with one of the… more »


Comment from: Cindy Thomas [Visitor]
Cindy Thomas
You are truly blessed to have such a mentor. I wish we all had mentors like that. He is a true gift to you it sounds like. Struggles come .....I admire your willingness to share. It helps the rest of us remember that we're all in this humanity boat together and we need to hold each other up with prayer and kind, edifying words. God bless you as you go from glory to glory. You are regularly in my prayers.
11/09/13 @ 12:26
Comment from: [Member]
in your weakness God speaks to me strength. I thank him for the elders male and female we have in our church, their wisdom and faithfulness is truly sent from our Father. Thank you Ira and Sarah for your guidance and faithfulness.
11/22/13 @ 18:39

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  10/11/13 14:51, by , Categories: Living Life, Personal Reflections, Theology Lived, Pastors
"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9) As I get older, I have to be more concerned with heart disease and proper care of my heart.  What I am becomming more and more aware of is that s… more »
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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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