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(Not So) Secret Power
A look at life and ministry.
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(Not So) Secret Power

  03/12/13 10:45, by , Categories: Church Life, Theology Lived

It is no secret that Bean's Corner has been growing like crazy.  This last Sunday we could barely fit everyone into the sanctuary.  The big question is why?  Of course the true and simple answer is that God is bringing people in as the Gospel is being preached.  As we drill down, what are the elements that have brought health and stability to Bean's Corner.   While there are many different exciting things you could point to, I think there is one big one that may not always occur to people.  It is easy to point to a worship band, a new exciting approach/philosophy, or youthful enthusiasm, but I do not beleive that is the true reason we are growing.  I think we too often start looking to the wisdom of man and to new and exciting things to try to cause growth when the Bible has far simpler and straightforward answers for us.

In our case, I believe it has to do with the team of men and women God has assembled in the leadership of Bean's Corner.  Let's talk about it.  First, it is not just a young group.  I think that is key.  These days I notice a lot of younger guys who have about a decade or less in ministry who are full of explaining to everyone the how's and how to's of ministry.  They are writting books, blogs, and speaking at conferences.  Now do not get me wrong; much of what they say has value and is helpful, but they are not drawing from a lifetime of experience but rather from books, other teachers, and youthful enthusiasm.  I know where they are coming from, I was there too.  I started young here in Maine and with my training and education was full of answers.  Now, after 20+ years of Maine ministry, I have much fewer answers, know much less than I did, but have seen more ministry.

The Bible makes it clear that the older should teach the younger and that there is great strength in the wisdom and experience of being older.  When Paul instructed Timothy in choosing leaders, he pointed to men who were established.  They had families and a reputation in the community.  This doesn't mean they were all old, but they were old enough to have gotten to that stage in life.  Furthermore, he instructed Timothy to treat the older men like fathers in his approach to them.  So how about at Bean's Corner?  When I think about the strength that we have at church, I cannot escape the fact that Cliff and Wilma have now been at the church for 20+ years.  Although Cliff has never been a staff pastor at Bean's Corner, the two of them have mentored, discipled, and led.  I have personally benefitted from their wisdom and experience time and again and have been deeply shaped by them.  It is hard to overestimate the value of a couple with around 60 years of ministry experience.  The lessons I have learned from Cliff have made a massive difference in how I pastor.

From there we look at so many of the other men who make up the core of our leadership.  Many of these men have been a part of the church for decades.  They have raised families, they have discipled believers, they have stayed faithful to the Word.  They have become gifted teachers and prayer warriors.  They have weathered more storms than I have had opportunity to and from that have gathered invaluable wisdom.  They call me up to check on me and ask me probing questions on how I am doing.  They exercise authority over me to make sure that in my youthful enthusiasm that I am not overextending or overreacting.  Their wisdom has saved me from making big, church altering mistakes again and again.  You don't see that on a Sunday morning, but it is foundational to the strength that is behind our growth.


Finally, there is another piece to this.  Lest you think that I am down on the younger, I'm not.  We have a pastor and two deacons that are younger men, or at least younger than me.  Nate has been with us coming on five years and TJ and Pete are in their second rotations as deacon/elders.  The Bible values the age and experience of the old and the energy and passion of the young.  As Paul admonished Timothy to follow him and other elders, he also reminded him not to allow others to look down on him just because he was young, but to be an example.  This is the last part of the puzzle.  We have younger men, like myself, who are also part of leadership to learn from the older, to work with the older, and to bring perspective and youth to the table.  It is a partnership, working hand and hand, that spans the generations and makes our church not an older church, not a younger church, but the Body of Christ and the family of God.  I am so excited that as we have grown, we grow in all demographics.  We have been joined by retirees, older professional people, middle aged individuals, and young families.  As you look at the wider leadership of the church, both men and women, you see the generations represented with both younger and older working together, being guided by the wisdom of the older and powered by the drive and excitement of the younger.

All this has resulted in a vibrant family that is being used by God to touch people with the love of Christ.  The Love of Christ is then drawing new people in as they look at the family and want to be a part of it.    Everything else the church offers, the preaching, music, children's ministry, then becomes a result of the growth and stability, not the cause.

I look at blogs and books that are trying to package the growth and programs and philosophies of other churches' success and realize that really it comes back to faithful men and women who mature, pray, labor, and disciple.  Everything else are good ideas that won't work really well without those older men and women who form the foundation of strength in the local church.

I am SO THANKFUL for the incredible priviledge of being surrounded by so many Godly men and women who I can lean on, learn from, and work with.  I am thankful for the younger men who inspire me, push me, and are willing themselves to learn and be led at the same time.

That is why Bean's Corner is growing.  Praise the Lord!

NOTE:  In this post I have pictured the current Deacon/Elders and pastors.  They are just a sample of the amazing men and women who provide wisdom and leadership in our church family.  There are so many more who are part of God's work in our family.  I am thankful for them all!  :)

This entry was posted by and is filed under Church Life, Theology Lived.


Comment from: Jaylene Gonyea [Visitor]
Jaylene Gonyea
WOW! Thank you for such a perfectly worded blog post.
03/12/13 @ 12:41
Comment from: Trent [Visitor]  
Being innovative within a Biblical model of leadership is preferred to inventing pragmatic approaches that ignore God's plan.
03/12/13 @ 16:52
Comment from: Brad [Visitor]
"We have younger men. like myself . . ." Glad you still think of yourself as one of the young guys. Great blog post Ira.
04/18/13 @ 09:19

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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