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It's Nothing Personal
A look at life and ministry.
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It's Nothing Personal

  11/16/10 23:56, by , Categories: Church Life, My Life, Theology Lived

There are a lot of great Christian teachers out there today. I myself have several books on my reading list by some of the prominent Christian thinkers/teachers of the day including Timothy Keller. I have been known to, on occasion, watch a sermon by Mark Driscoll. There are others, Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, John MacArthur, Billy Graham, the list goes on and on.
These men have some good things to say.I have learned things from these men. However, I do not always agree with these men and I do not ever take what they say as gospel truth without first checking it out and thinking it through on my own.

These men, as good as they are, do not know me.  Nor do they know the people I serve at Bean's Corner.  I have not seen them interact with their children, I do not know how they get along with their wives.  They may talk about it sometimes, but I have never seen it personally.  None of these men know me or have ever spent the time to get to know me and listen to me.  As a result, they are limited in how they can speak into my life.  I can definitely learn from them, but they cannot disciple me because they are not sharing their real life with me and sharing in my real life.  We are called to make disciples and that can only be truly done with personal contact.  The men that God has me discipling need to be able to know and see my life and have me know and see theirs.  It can't be done through books, videos, or mp3's.

This is why we must be careful with how much we follow such men.  There are things we can learn from them and I will continue to avail myself of the resources they provide and the wisdom that they have.  But I must remember that they too are fallible people and that I have a responsibility to have the WORD be my primary source of study and wisdom.  When I allow a teacher to become my primary source of thinking about the Word instead of reading it myself, I am in trouble!

The other lesson from this is that even when the pastor/teacher is local, you must KNOW him.  As I have written in previous entries on this blog, it is essential that anyone involved in the discipling ministry (and that is supposed to be all pastors) share their lives.  How I live my life, interact with my children, love my wife, conduct myself, is all fair game.  This is not some kind of threat to me and my family.  It is instead a marvelous opportunity to live a real Christian life in a real way that illustrates both what we teach, as well as the difficulty in putting our beliefs into practice.  Even (and especially) my failures are rich grounds for growing disciples according to the Word of Christ.

So, make sure that as you do ministry or consume teachings, that you don't just find yourself involved in nothing personal. If your favorite and regular teachers are not part of your personal life and you not part of them, perhaps you should think about that.   As Paul said, "Having so fond an affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us." (1 Thessalonians 2:8 NAS)

This entry was posted by and is filed under Church Life, My Life, Theology Lived.


Comment from: Blaine Rackliff [Visitor]  
Blaine Rackliff
I think this is great Ira...and SO important! Just recently I have spoken with a friend who said he, and multiple other families are leaving their church because their Pastor is not interested in having a personal rel'ship with them. I can't imagine putting my trust and vulnerability in the hands of someone who doesn't show love, compassion, or interest in me! I compare the message in this blog to that of my youth ministry. The kids I serve deserve to be able to trust someone who they know without a doubt, loves and cares for them. Without that loving relationship, there is no way that they are gonna open up. I don't believe this is any different w/adults! I also agree with you that it is important to not always accept authors/teachers words as "Gospel truth." Great message...Keep it up!
11/17/10 @ 11:58
Comment from: beverly richards [Visitor]
beverly richards
Reassuring to hear you say something similar to what we discussed today at the Bible study group that is meeting at Heather L.'s. The Bible is the only undeniable truth. Any book written by even a Godly person will still contain their own personal opinions that cannot help but be expressed in the material. It is our responsibility to continually search the Scriptures to verify the truth in what we are learning. We had a very good and pithy study today as we studied God's Word together. God Bless!
11/23/10 @ 18:38

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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