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Pastor's Window
A look at life and ministry.

Marriage, the State, the Church

  05/25/09 22:55, by , Categories: Church Life, Politics
Maine and California are both dealing the possible overturning of gay marriage laws. In California everyone waits to see if the state supreme court will overturn a popularly passed ban on same-sex marriage. In Maine we wait to see if enough signatures are gathered to put a people's veto of the new same-sex marriage bill on the fall ballot. As a church, we have really struggled with this whole issue. In a few weeks we are going to be looking in depth at how we relate to this culture. In the meantime, I thought I would share a few thoughts.
  • It is entirely appropriate as American citizens for us to express our beliefs including ones that were considered mainstream for most of this country's history.
  • Why do we think that the state can define marriage? Marriage was created by God and sanctioned by the church. Many governments over the years have chosen to recognize marriage and grant it benefits. The state can grant those same rights to other groups of people but it can't change what it did not create.
When I, as a minister of the gospel, join two people in marriage, it is before God. The fact that the state recognizes that is besides the point. I don't accept the state's definition of many things; why should marriage be any different?
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Great Day

  05/24/09 19:57, by , Categories: Church Life, Stray Thoughts, Living Life
Koinonia night tonight was great. I am so excited for the number of people who made it out. It was a great night of true fellowship as we shared a meal and our lives with one another. Many of us had worried about doing this on a holiday weekend, but we needn't have. Thanks to Holly, Renee, Marilyn, and the Seamons for helping make the food end of things work. Just an awesome night all around. Morning seemed to go well too. The Power of Trees was a fun message to do. The kids really seemed to enjoy what we did with them too. This trip through Ephesians has yielded more than I expected. I am glad that the Spirit led us here. Nursing home service was a joy this afternoon too. With Charlene and Cody joining Nate, Barbi, Holly and I, we had a great group from the church and a good bunch of residents. Had a good talk with the activities coordinator too who shared with me that how much they appreciate our ministry there. That was exciting. She told me that Bean's Corner was one of their favorite churches. Well, we are all tired tonight. The kids were ready to drop and I think have fallen asleep already. Sarah and I are worn out too. It has been a busy week. Tomorrow I am taking the day off (as far as I know) and Sarah's folks are coming up for the day to help us get the garden ready. Praise God for the awesome fellowship of believers who are part of the "tree" at Bean's Corner.
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The Power of Trees (and Family)

  05/23/09 22:35, by , Categories: Announcements, Family, Church Life, Living Life
I am putting the powerpoint and notes together for tomorrow mornings message. Usually I am done by Friday (or much earlier) but this week has been challenging with the CB meeting at the beginning of the week (feels like 2 weeks ago) and then some stuff that came up out of the blue at the end of the week that cramped the schedule. So anyway, tomorrow morning's topic is "The Power of Trees." I am really excited about this one. We are in Ephesians 3 and it is going right to the heart of the identity of Christians and the church. If you read the blog but don't attend BCBC, I hope that you will check out the message on MP3 once we get it posted. Today was an awesome day. After such a busy week, I really needed time to connect with the family. Not that I haven't seen them this week, but some real focused connect time. #3 and I sat and looked through books. #2 helped me mow the lawn. #1 and I played together. All three and I sat on the floor and wrestled and laughed. They just needed some Daddy attention today and you could tell it worked. The day went so smooth and supper was great. They were really tired by the time we put them to bed. Then Sarah and I got some connect time too, just to sit and cuddle and watch NCIS. Great night. I am refreshed and rejuvenated after a busy week. Now to finish up these notes and I am going to bed. Tomorrow is another busy day, but like I said, I am excited about the message!!
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Joy Set Before

  05/22/09 09:55, by , Categories: Family, Stray Thoughts, Living Life
So in the midst of a busy week, things got crazy and intense. It is the nature of ministry. When you are dealing with people and their lives, it can get very interesting and often far from neat and tidy. That would sum up the last two days. By last night I was a pretty dry piece of toast, dark on both sides. This morning as I sit in the office and begin to prepare to get things finished for this weekend (finally), I was reflecting on the last couple days and what one of my emotional responses is to trying and difficult counseling situations. Embrace my kids. I love my family in a big way and I cannot describe the joy of being a dad. I really delight in my relationship with all three kids. Micah is adding words by the day and it is so great to get to know him on new levels as he communicates more. Nathan's thought process, which has always blown me away, continues to develop and he is sharing more and more complex thoughts and feelings. Esther of course has always been very expressive and is so easy to connect to (even as she is very strong willed!) :) All this to say that stepping away from the ministry for a few minutes when it gets intense to sit and enjoy the card Esther made me, let her tell me about her day, let Nathan take me for a ride on his train (or today, rocket-ship AKA living room), or help Micah excavate the garden with the toy tractor, really helps me get through things. I cannot fix the world, nor have I been called to. But I have been called to shepherd and care for these three little lives and doing so is a source of incredible joy and fulfillment in the Lord.
The Bible says in Hebrews 12:2 "...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Jesus got through the most difficult and awful part of His ministry by fixing His eyes on the joy set before Him. What was that joy?
Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
What treasure did He buy? US!! It was the joy of having US that got Him through the crucifixion. God uses the joy of a relationship with us to cope. I have another point of contact where I understand God's heart as I understand how me has made me. Thank you Lord for my family, and thank you for being a great dad to me.
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The Strength of the Church

  05/21/09 09:20, by , Categories: Church Life, Stray Thoughts
A busy day ahead with people time at lunch and in afternoon and then LOT tonight with young adults after. We ended up with a busy night last night that meant that Sarah got to bed late, so I got the kids up this morning and did breakfast with them. Micah and I are sitting at the table together this morning doing our work. SO, THE STRENGTH OF THE CHURCH Yesterday at the CB Cluster Pastor's meeting and again at prayer meeting last night, I had cause to reflect and rejoice about all the neat things that are going on at Bean's Corner. People are excited about what is happening and all the new growth. I wanted to think a bit on what makes our church strong. First, the obvious one. The HOLY SPIRIT. The church belongs to Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is not just a cute Sunday School answer. Without the active work and power of the Holy Spirit, a church is nothing more than a social center with no eternal relevance. We must be so careful to realize that everything that goes right at Bean's Corner is the result of His power and leading. Only He can change hearts, move people's priorities and bind us together. Only as we grow in our relationship with Christ both individually and corporately will we see God's hand and power expressed at Bean's Corner. Second, LOVE. Real and expressed. As long as I have been here, we have been known as a friendly church. Loving takes more work. It is a deep connection, not just on the surface, but into our lives. We share our lives with one another. We share our struggles with one another. We open ourselves up to each other and care deeply for each other and what is going on in each others lives. We mind each others' business, not in a busy-body control sort of way, but in a deep concern and partnership sort of way. We are doing better and better in this area. We will always be able to do better, but the growth of the sharing and deep love in our fellowship is causing us to strengthen. Third, The WORD OF GOD. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us that without love, nothing else is of profit. That is true. The foundation for everything is the Word of God, but not just that. In the parable of the wise man and foolish man who build their houses, what is the rock that the wise man builds on? Christ? Jesus is the rock? Not according to the context. The Word of God? Nope, but that is a popular answer. Matthew 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock." It is not merely the Word of God, it is the Word of God being acted on. It is not enough for us to teach, learn, and know the Word of God, we have to do it. So we need clear and deep teaching, learning the Word of God, but then applying it to our lives in measurable ways. James 2:17 "Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself." Fourth, PARTNERSHIP. The body of Christ depends on the body of Christ. That seems like an obvious statement. It is impossible to be strong with only

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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