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Pastor's Window
A look at life and ministry.

Mile Marker

  12/21/10 11:34, by , Categories: Theology Lived

I hope you'll check out the link above today. It is a retrospect on all the natural disasters this year. It talks about how this year had an above average occurrence of disasters. It made me think of a verse.

and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11 NAS)

It is yet another sign of the times as we see these things happen. We are living in the last days.

Now before you misunderstand me.... we have been living in the last days all of our lives.  The last days started after Jesus resurrected.  Jesus was very careful to say that the end would come (Matt. 24:14) , that it would seem like a long time before it came (2 Peter 3:9) , so much so that people would doubt it ever really would (2 Peter 3:4), and that some people would say it was coming before it actually did (Matt. 24:23).  He was also very clear that we would not know the day or the hour (Matt 25:13), but that we would be able to see the event getting closer (Mark 13:8; Matt 24:32).

So I am not about to write a book declaring when Jesus is coming back, nor am I heading up to my roof to wait.  We are told to live our lives ready for his return.  Any day, every day we should be conducting ourselves in readiness.  True for the disciples, true for us.  These "signs of the times" are just reminders that with each day that He doesn't come, we are one day closer to the day that He will and we should continue in readiness.  Just thought that was a fascinating article.

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Belief You Can Change In

  12/20/10 05:35, by , Categories: Announcements, Politics, Living Life, Theology Lived

Back in the middle of November, the debt commission, whose job it was to come up with a bipartisan solution to our national debt, came out with their plan. It created a bipartisan reaction. Everyone hated it. Here's a quote from the story linked above.

While 66% of voters in the survey say cutting spending was a "major" reason in their support of a candidate in the midterms, a whopping 70% of adults say they are uncomfortable with cuts to Medicare, Social Security, and defense programs -- which just happen to be the biggest sources of federal spending. Another 59% say they're uncomfortable about raising taxes (on gasoline, for example) or changing the tax code (like eliminating deductions on home mortgages) to reduce the deficit. And another 57% are uncomfortable about raising the Social Security retirement age to 69 by 2075 to reduce the deficit. Said NBC/WSJ co-pollster Bill McInturff (R): “We found a way to unite everybody -- which is producing a deficit commission that managed to irritate every different political constituency.” What was even more amazing about this data: Fully 36% of EVERYONE we surveyed said they were uncomfortable on all THREE facets of the debt commission proposals.

My intention today is not to talk about the schizophrenia of us Americans who want the government to stop collecting so much money and stop spending so much money while not wanting to government to make cuts or pay for what they spend. My intention is to look at the relationship between belief and change. Obama ran on a slogan of Change we can believe in. What is interesting is what order those words go in. Is the change the agent of belief or the result? Often times we think of changing to be more like God.   But the Bible says that we are not capable of changing ourselves into anything that will be acceptable to God. Rather, the Bible says that once we have embraced Christ through the forgiveness bought at the cross, we are changed by Him.   "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." (2 Corinthians 5:17 NAS)   That is not change you can believe in, that is belief you can change in!

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C.S. Lewis

  12/19/10 09:19, by , Categories: Fun, Theology Lived
Read this excellent article about the ongoing popularity of C.S. Lewis. In the article are some real lessons for Christians, especially Christian writers and speakers. Really good article.
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Oh No, not again!

  12/18/10 00:55, by , Categories: Announcements, My Life

So last week I bemoaned missing the blog for a week and now I have gone and done it again. I am not amused!  The really funny thing is that you could pretty much read last weeks post this week and it would be 100% correct.  Another week of having our new son with us, another week of events most evenings, of a trip to China to work on dad's computer.  Yep, the same old stuff.  Once again I finished up things at the end of the week.

In the midst of a busy season, I reflect on my life and I experience joy.  God continues to teach me more and more about Himself and His Word.  He continues to give me a life full of people to love and serve.  He has surrounded me by people who love me and who I can love and care for.  He has given me a wonderful wife who is also growing in His grace and mercy and who loves to serve alongside me.  We are enjoying raising the three (right now four) wonderful children that God has currently entrusted to us.  Even when we have struggles or stresses, we are able to communicate and love our way through them and use the tough times to grow closer and increase our intimacy.  How could I not praise God for that?!?!

It is going to be another busy week with Christmas Eve service as well as the regular Sunday service and family coming in for the weekend.  Shopping to finish, house to clean, etc. etc.  My goal in the midst of all that must be accomplished this week is to keep my focus on Christ and enjoy the marvelous things that God has blessed me with!  I hope that you will find joy in your circumstances this week as you allow Christ to draw you to Himself.

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The Week

  12/11/10 15:54, by , Categories: Personal Reflections, My Life

Wow, it has been awhile since I went an entire week without a blog post.  It was not my intention to go silent this week, but the events of this week seemed to overtake me more than I wanted.  That is not to say that it was a bad week.  Actually, it was a full and challenging week, but with all that great fullness and challenge, I neglected the blog.

One of the opportunities that this week brought was the blessed arrival of another child into our family.  Its a boy, about 130lbs, 5' 5".    A young man from church who lives with his grandmother came to live with us this week after his grandmother was hospitalized.  He is a great kid and very helpful and respectful around the house.  I have been a father figure to him for the last few years, so having him move in with us was a small matter really, but it has meant that I am up early every morning to take him to school and then out to pick him up in the afternoon, as well as helping with homework and other things parents of teenagers do.  It is a joy to include him in our home and help him see what a traditional and healthy home can be, but it has added a wrinkle in our life this week.  Now at least I have a picture of how tired I will be when my other three get to their early teen years!  It has been good to include our new son in family devotions and things.  We are thankful to God for the opportunity to serve in this way.

Another opportunity I had this week was to go to China (Maine) to help my dad this week.  Dad's computer died and I was able to take an afternoon and evening to go over and get it up and running again.  Where mom and dad don't go out as often these days, the computer is a great link for them.  I wasn't able to get it completely finished and will need to go back, but it was fun to help them and to get some time with them.  Even though they are only an hour away, I am so busy that I don't get over there like I should.  It was good to get there this week and see them, even if it was to do some work.  I had an extra adventure while there as I was able to catch a mouse that had taken up residence in their van.  Those mice are fast, but me and my coffee can were faster and Mickey was relocated to a more rural environment.

One of the things that has made this week seem so busy is the evening schedule.  Tuesday night I got home late having been at my parents.  Wednesday night I had the privilege of speaking at InterVarsity Christian fellowship at UMF.  This got me home late on Wednesday.  Thursday night was youth group and the supper for the young adults afterward.  Friday night we had Family Night at the homeschool co-op.  The kids did a great time and it was a wonderful time of fellowship with the other families from all the different churches that participate in the co-op.  All of us were really tired when we got home last night.  I was such a zombie.  But is was up early this morning to do men's breakfast.  A smaller turn out today, but always a great time and I got an especially good visit with one of our guys who I haven't gotten to know really well yet.

Yesterday I was able to finally finish my office work and get everything done and ready for Sunday.  I fear that it may be a smaller turn out tomorrow when I look at the weather, but I am looking forward to being with God's people tomorrow and having a time of worship and sharing.

There is much more I could write but I'm sure that those of you who have gotten this far are tired of reading what amounts to a personal note.  I just felt like reflecting on a good and busy week and going through this exercise to remind myself what happened.  I have left a few things out but it was just more great opportunities to bond with people and love others.

I am so thankful for the life that God has given me and the opportunities he presents to share in others lives and share my life with others.  God is great and greatly to be praised!!

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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