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Pastor's Window
A look at life and ministry.

Ruin & Consequences

  04/01/11 16:06, by , Categories: Theology Lived, Bible Study

One of the things that we focus on in our faith in Christ is forgiveness.  Forgiveness is central to our understanding of how we relate to God.  Without the forgiveness that Christ earned for us on the cross, none of us could stand before God.  Our sin is abhorrent to God but through the blood of Christ, we are forgiven.  With that idea though, we sometimes then downplay the toxic and destructive nature of sin.

Last week in adult Sunday school class we looked at the fact that God judged Israel in part because of the sin of Manasseh.  Manasseh was a particularly bad king who introduced terrible idolatry and pagan practices into mainstream acceptance in Israel.  He was regarded as one of the most evil kings in Judah's history and by tradition is credited with killing the prophet Isaiah.  Yet, 1 Chronicles 33:12-20 tells us that near the end of his years, after being placed in captivity for a time, that Manasseh repented and turned to God and tried to clean up his act.

The other events of Manasseh's reign, including his prayer to his God and the words the seers spoke to him in the name of the LORD, the God of Israel, are written in the annals of the kings of Israel. His prayer and how God was moved by his entreaty, as well as all his sins and unfaithfulness, and the sites where he built high places and set up Asherah poles and idols before he humbled himself--all are written in the records of the seers. (2 Chronicles 33:18-19 NIV)

So that is good right?  Well, it was good for Manasseh and this probably means that we will meet him in heaven one day, but as far as things on earth go, the damage was done.  Judah was corrupted and stayed committed to the idolatry they learned, leaving it only after they were driven from the land.  As for the immediate aftermath of Manasseh's life

Manasseh rested with his fathers and was buried in his palace. And Amon his son succeeded him as king. Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem two years. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, as his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshiped and offered sacrifices to all the idols Manasseh had made. But unlike his father Manasseh, he did not humble himself before the LORD; Amon increased his guilt. (2 Chronicles 33:20-23 NIV)

It was too late, the legacy was set.

Too often I fear that we think because God forgives sin that we can avoid the consequences of sin.  We may do our own thing and indulge in things that are wrong, but then God will wipe the slate clean and we can start all over good as new.  The problem with that thinking is that it is not Biblical.  Our slate is clean before God in that we are forgiven from the judgement on sin for eternity, but we are not freed from the destruction that sin can wreak in our lives if we give in to it.  You murder someone, forgiveness does not change the fact that someone is dead.  God will forgive sex outside of marriage, but the consequences may forever change lives.

We need to be careful with sin.  It is destructive and can ruin things.  God will forgive us, but things can be ruined and consequences can still hit us.  Let's not take sin lightly or forget its terrible danger.

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Don't Wanna Be Famous

  03/29/11 14:28, by , Categories: Church Life, Theology Lived
The link above is about a pastor who was getting so famous and revered, even by own congregation, that took his family out of the limelight for awhile. He is going to work on doing the gospel. He wants to make sure the gospel is the focus, not him. I thought that was a great testimony to his character and his focus on giving God the glory, not getting glory himself. It is quite a contrast with much of what we see even in the church in America. It also is sad that his own people were becoming more focused on him than on God. We have to be so careful in church not to begin to revere our leaders. They should be respected and allowed to shepherd us, but they are mere men, not objects of worship. Yet another reason why I don't want people calling me "Pastor" instead of my name. Elevate the man and he gets in the way of a good view of God. Contrast this with this article about members of a church going to court over who can use the building. There may be legitimate issues to deal with at the church, but their focus is on fighting one another, not living the gospel. They need the peacemakers. Sad to see a focus so out of whack.
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Links Again

  03/25/11 23:09, by , Categories: Announcements

Here's another update of links I have been collecting on my browser that I think might interest you.

A mom suing a preschool because she thinks they didn't do enough to help her 4 year old get into an ivy league school.  Obviously this child's life has been ruined.

Probably my favorite link of this set.  Man gives two forms of I.D. before robbing bank.

This man has a problem.  Brought beer to DUI hearing.

Regardless of this man's point, the way he is allowing it to be used hurts the cause he is called to.  Too bad.

This article is long and indepth but I really enjoyed it.  It talks about why "Plan B" often fails.  Some good philosophical implications.

Ok, so there you go.   I still may go back and make individual blog posts out of these at some point but I needed to clean out my browser tabs.  Enjoy

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Red Sox

  03/23/11 13:26, by , Categories: Sports

Enjoy the story linked above.  Has to do with an assesment of this years Red Sox prospects.  I don't know if listening to Sox games fits with my post yesterday about spiritual leisure time.  Have to think about how that integrates, but I do enjoy listening to the games (don't usually get to watch them since I don't have the right channels).

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My Free Time

  03/22/11 17:25, by , Categories: My Life, Theology Lived

Been spending my day studying today as I get ready for Sunday.  Actually worked ahead because the next two messages go together.  Reading God's Word got me thinking about my "free time".  I need free time.  I treasure having down time after a busy day.  When I have been involved in mentally or emotionally exhausting work, I feel entitled to have some "me" time where I can relax and enjoy myself.  What God has been talking to me about today is how I look at that free time.

When I talk about my free time or down time, I want to spend it doing something "fun" that I enjoy.   Why do I tend to think of that in non-spiritual terms?  Why do I give myself permission to be totally worldly when it comes to my free time?  I'm not talking about being sinful in the sense that I engage in activities I shouldn't morally.  No, I mean, how come I don't find spiritual exercizes fun?  I think it is because I am spiritually lazy.   I have for years been physically lazy.  When I am tired at the end of the day, all I want to do is sit and eat.  My own pleasure.  Not good for me.  Has resulted in weight gain.  Lately I have been using my free time in the evening to do small work outs.  Just simple exercizes in the living room to help me lose weight and get in shape.  It is work but you know what, the more I do them, the more I find that I enjoy them and think of them as fun.

When I am spiritually lazy, I allow myself to be convinced that doing something spiritual won't be as fun as doing something based entirely in the world.   Thanks God, I enjoyed my time with you, but I really need a break from you now.

I LIKE GOD!  I enjoy time with Him.  I got such a rush studying His Word today.  It was fun.  Why can't I remember that and engage in spiritual leisure activities.  Then I can have fun while still being spiritually healthy.    I'm going to have to think more on this and figure out how to apply it in my life, but God is talking to me on this one.

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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