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Society, Conflict, Opportuntity
A look at life and ministry.
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Society, Conflict, Opportuntity

  01/05/13 11:04, by , Categories: Church Life, Politics, Living Life, Theology Lived

A lot of Christians are pretty scared or at least worried these days because of the advancing agenda of the homosexual rights movement.   It is more than being distressed about a societal trend of sin, of which we have many, it is a fear that our favorable treatment as Christians in America is under threat.  Well, it is.  Christians, or those responsive to "Christian" points of view, used to control most of the levers of power.  We forget this these days, but there was a time when the "enemy" of the "Christian" establishment wasn't the homosexuals but the Catholics and other religions.  Protestants were the proponents of the separation of church and state, concerned that catholics would wield power and answer to Rome.  Public schools used to be able to teach protestant  perspective and any Catholic who complained was pointed to the fact that their religion was private.    In other words, protestants used to have a pretty strong influence on civil society, defining its codes, its laws, and its practice.   I'm not saying that was a bad thing, but it has lulled us into a false understanding of what it means to be Christians.  Jesus told us that we would be hated because of Him.  He told us that the world hated Him and it would hate us just as much.  He told us that if they had killed Him, what should we expect?   (Matt 10, Mark 13, John 15).    When "we" were in a position of favorable treatment from the governement, it allowed us to forget this clear and repeated message from Christ.   We began to believe that we are entitled to protected treatment from the government.  That it is the governments job to make it easy to be a Christian without cost, sacrifice, persecution, or danger.  We have started to focus on hating sin and sometimes sinners and not worried about being hated.  We don't like being hated.

Hate is coming, and is already here.  We need to be careful not to just turn into people who whine because the world, even a nice American world, hates us.  We also need to make sure that they hate us because we teach Christ, not because we have become campaigners against any specific sin over sin in general.  Some Christians, including pastors, seem to act as if our job is to rid the world of sin.  I can't even rid MY life of sin!   I struggle with sin every day.  No matter how many logs and spinters I remove, I have more.  I can still call attention to sin in society, but I'm not going to eradicate it, whether through legislation, or public pressure, or anything else.  The only rememdy I know for sin is the blood of Christ.  Is that what we are pushing?  Are all our efforts aimed at removing sin from society by announcing the grace and mercy of Christ?

It is fearsome to be hated, but as Christians, we need to remember that we are being given a tremendous opportunity.  Instead of moaning, crying and yelling at the push and shove we are getting or afraid of getting from society, perhaps we should once again listen to what Jesus told us.

"But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you, delivering you to the synagogues and prisons, bringing you before kings and governors for My name's sake. "It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony. (Luke 21:12-13)

Jesus told us it was coming and He told us that it was an opportunity.  This is our chance.  If our goal is to personally stamp out sin in the world, we're going to fail.  But if our goal is to proclaim Christ so that people will hear and some will respond, then these are good times.  My message is not how bad any one sin or group of sinner are.  Yes, there are sins that are bad for our society.  Some of these sins are currently being voraciously attacked by Christians.  Others are not.  Those who are attacking with fervor homosexuality are not using the same terminology to attack divorce, extra-marital sex, or even lustful thoughts.    Sin is sin and it is bad for society.  The only remedy I know is Christ.

So I preach Christ, and Him crucified, risen and coming again.

I may get hated for it, but Jesus told me to tell people about Him.  He is going to deal with sin and when He does, he is completely, 100% effective.  He's going to deal with all of it.  I'm not looking forward to being hated by the world, but it is part of belonging to Christ.  My message is Christ, crucified.

Don't be afraid, Christian.  Jesus has overcome the world.


This entry was posted by and is filed under Church Life, Politics, Living Life, Theology Lived.
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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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