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Mumble Grumble
A look at life and ministry.
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Mumble Grumble

  06/15/10 00:41, by , Categories: Church Life, Personal Reflections, Theology Lived
Are you a grumbler? Do you mumble a few complaints under your breath? Is there something that just isn't the way you wish it was? Complain about it? Maybe just in your head, or just to a few close friends/family? I think a lot of people do that. It is sort of human nature. But like much of human nature, it doesn't mean that it is a good thing or an activity that we should allow. The people of Israel were very prone to grumbling. They thought Moses should do all kinds of things different than he was doing them. The Bible tells us that they were grumbling against God, but I'm willing to bet that they didn't think of it that way. Moses talked to God and then Moses talked to the people. God lead through Moses. They saw Moses leadership and sometimes they thought the old man was just plain wrong. He isn't doing it right. If I were in charge, I would do it different. I wish he wouldn't do it that way. And they mumbled, and they grumbled, and they quietly questioned Moses leadership, not realizing that Moses was following God's leading. I will tell you that this is one area that really can get to me. And believe me, I pick up on the low level of grumbling that can go on. When people just don't like how you are leading or the decisions that you are making, no matter how much you have prayed and thought about it and sought the Lord on it, they mumble and grumble. Nothing strong and rarely in your face. Oh No. Just a quiet mumble grumble to express that this isn't the way they think it should be. It can be very discouraging and frustrating. Are you a mumble grumbler? When things aren't going just to your liking, do you quietly complain either in your head, or just to a couple of confidants, your displeasure. Maybe just a mild aside, a little comment to make sure it is known that you aren't happy. The solution is not merely to keep your mouth shut. The true answer is to adjust an attitude that complains when it doesn't get things just its way. An attitude that supports leadership when it is doing what you want but abandons that support when you don't agree with it. If there is a real issue that needs to be addressed, address it appropriately and directly, not with a mumbled grumble. If the issue is merely that it isn't the way you would do it, maybe you should trust and support. Just a thought from a man who isn't afraid to be wrong, but can get very discouraged by those who mumble grumble.
This entry was posted by and is filed under Church Life, Personal Reflections, Theology Lived.

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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