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Family Squared
A look at life and ministry.
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Family Squared

  06/19/12 13:36, by , Categories: Announcements, Family, Church Life, Theology Lived, Pastors

This is a special time for our family.  We are excited as we wait with great expectation for the arrival of #4.  The kids are excited, we are excited.  #1 keeps giving mom suggestions on when to have the baby.  (Tomorrow is today's suggestion.)  Sarah and I have been utilizing this time to prepare the kids for the arrival of the baby in two ways.  One, we are making sure we pour extra love and attention on them as we find ourselves busy with preparations.  Two, we are talking to them about what changes will come, what things will be like, and how they can contribute to our latest family task.  Taken together, these two  approaches will help the kids feel good about the new baby and feel attached to the baby rather than replaced or pushed aside by him/her.  This time and effort has also resulted in marvelous bonding times for us as a family and made me thankful again for the family God has blessed me with.   Sarah and I find ourselves delighting in our kids each day and talking to each other about how much we enjoy each one.  #3 is in a period of special bloom as he approaches his fifth birthday.  He is eager to read and write and is one busy guy.

Yesterday we all went out to the trails behind the hospital and walked through the woods for about an hour.  It was a fun time with just us as a family.  Last night we sat at supper together and talked and I read to the family.  These are precious times and not to be missed.  The experiences we are having right now are what family is all about and a foundation for my children as they grow up.

There is another bonding experience that takes place each week.  That is the bond we share with our immediate extended family that meets across the street from our house each week; our church family.  This family looms almost as large in my kids lives as our home family does.  They have dear family members that they are eager to see each week and who play vital roles in their lives.  The same goes for Sarah and I.  We have people dear to us that are essential to our lives.  They truly are our family.

I believe this is why the Bible draws such a firm connection between family and the church, especially for pastors.  The skills I use to nurture my family are exactly the same skills that are needed to properly and effectively serve at church.  I spoke with a friend the other day who has a pastor who does not have a close nurting relationship with his childrena and struggles with nurturing people at church.  I expressed a total lack of surprise.  Paul made it clear that the two are inseperable.  If a man can't nurture at home, he won't magicaly develop those skills in the church family.

I am thankful for my family, both the smaller one that sleeps in this house, and the larger one that comes together across the street.  I am thankful that my kids are growing up with both families to draw strength and support from.  I am thankful that I have people who pour Christ into my life and into the life of my loved ones each week and help us as we grow closer to Christ.  I look forward to #4's arrival and watching him/her be welcomed not only by his/her siblings in this house, but by his/her brothers and sisters in Christ.

This entry was posted by and is filed under Announcements, Family, Church Life, Theology Lived, Pastors.
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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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