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Happy New Year
A look at life and ministry.
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Happy New Year

  01/03/13 11:23, by , Categories: Living Life, Theology Lived

I just wanna be happy. Isn't that what everyone wants? I watch so many people building their lives around the pursuit of happiness. Some of these friends have eschewed God in favor of what they see as a simpler formula for being happy. "Do what makes you happy." Wow, sounds so simple and easy. If something doesn't make you happy, don't do it. If it does, do it. Seems too simple to fail. And so much better than all the stupid "religious" stuff in the Bible. The whole 'god' thing complicates things too much and actually interferes with happiness. Well, maybe, except... Many of the friends I have that are following this are also living some interesting lives full of stresses they hate. They frequently express anger and frustration, sometimes very strongly, at the people/things in their lives that they blame for their failure to be happy. They also keep changing course. This guy/girl will make me happy. Wait, I'm not happy anymore, I need to divorce/break up with them. Now this one will make me happy...for now. I need to change jobs because I'm not happy. This is better. Wait, I'm no longer happy in this job. You get the idea. What makes me happy today may not make me happy tomorrow. What I think will make me happy might not work out like I thought it would. Rich Mullins has a cool song called "Maker of Noses". He talks about how the world wants things to work out and be happy and they give this advice

They said boy you just follow your heart But my heart just led me into my chest They said follow your nose But the direction changed every time I went and turned my head And they said boy you just follow your dreams But my dreams were only misty notions

So Rich draws a conclusion of what is a better, more stable approach to life

But the Father of hearts and the Maker of noses And the Giver of dreams He's the one I have chosen And I will follow Him

There are even people who call themselves Christians who are pursing the same goal.  They claim Christ but what they are really living for is comfort and happiness.  It is these Christians who talk it more than do it that get thrown in your face by people eager to refuse the guidance of the God who cares. And there is no point in arguing.

Happiness is a lousy god to serve in your life.  It takes a lot of work to arrange your circumstances and then the circumstances can be changed so quickly and easily without warning.  You cannot always have control.  Paul said he had learned, in Christ, the secret of being content in all circumstances.  That's the recipe for joy.

Like Rich says, the Maker of noses is the one I have chosen and I will follow Him. Doing so for the last 43 years (even imperfectly) has led to stability, peace, and joy. I am thankful that my direction doesn't change every time I turn my head.  I'm not always happy, I don't have to be, but I have peace and joy.  You know what?  Peace and joy can make you happy!

<edited and reposted from post on 5/5/10 >

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A look at life and ministry.

About the Author

After growing up in Maine, Ira graduated from Bible College and wandered into Western Maine and has never found his way back out. He has a deep love for the rural churches of Maine and the people who make up this great state. He loves Truth over Tradition, Christ over Culture, and People over Process. He love to equip, teach, and disciple and longs to see the Maine church grow healthy and make disciples.

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